Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Environmental Examples Essay

The lamentable condition of the Amazon River is featured in the You Tube video â€Å"The Amazon Dries Up†. It shows major portions of the river drying up with boats stranded, fish dying because of lack of oxygen, and people traveling far in search of clean water to drink. Going through this video brought up feelings of sadness and anxiety at the same time because of the deplorable status of the environment in the area, and the apparent hopelessness of the situation. Forests have been denuded for the benefit of a few but with a predictably great impact in the offing. It is scary to think about the future basing from this video especially since this video was done in 2006 yet. The emphasis of the film is against deforestation and more emission of greenhouse gases which are said to be the culprits behind the drought in the Amazon. Environmental degradation (Ferris & Stein, Ch. 15) has emerged to become one of the world’s major social problems as humans have acknowledged its effects like global warming (Ferris & Stein, Ch. 15) and climate change. The problem is actually one that is of a major dimension because many people will be affected if these problems continue to worsen. As we feel the effects of global warming, not a lot of the world’s inhabitants may survive and some species may become extinct. Furthermore, climate change can bring about devastations of unknown magnitudes. Just the recent flooding and earthquakes which occurred this year are some typical examples of unexpected destruction to the environment, to man and property. Furthermore, ongoing extinction of species may cause ecological imbalance which may also result to other unanticipated results which are still unknown, and may never be reversed. The environment needs to be everyone’s concern. Taking things one step at a time will not bring anyone to the goal immediately, yet slowly but surely, the goal can be reached. Small simple steps like the 3 Rs : Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, making use of car pools, conserving electricity will all add up to make the goal of making the environment more habitable an attainable possibility. The worst case scenario is one where the leaders we look up to seem to be passive in their stance regarding these issues. Nevertheless, it is still a conglomeration of efforts which will be the best way to address these environmental issues. Works Cited Ferris, Kerry & Stein, Jill, The Real World: An Introduction to Sociology New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2009. Print.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

History of English Literature, Essay

The ghost also speaks of the underworld, a Classical belief that brings out Humanist beliefs also. This instantly makes Hamlet doubt the ghost, which causes him to hesitate before seeking revenge for his father’s death until he has discovered the truth. Seeking the truth is one of Hamlet’s obstacles as many layers cover it. He desires to know which religious belief system is the true one and the best to die by. This reflects on Renaissance society and Europe as they too were torn between two or even three, philosophical positions. By using a variety of religious ethics Shakespeare has made both the audience and Hamlet question which system is the true one. Arnold Kettle, in his essay entitled, â€Å"Hamlet in a changing world† states that, † because of the death of Hamlet’s father and the hasty marriage of his mother and his uncle, Hamlet’s views of the world change. These views affect his ideas in every aspect possible and Hamlet has difficulty living with them†. Kettle believes that Hamlet was putting into practise new Renaissance humanism ideas. The theory of humanism rejects the abuse of tyranny, cruelty and murder; all three were present in England and the court of Denmark. Hamlet decides that he cannot accept this in Denmark because he sees this as rottenness and Claudius as the source of it. Wilson Knight, in his essay entitled, â€Å"The Embassy of Death† does not agree with Kettle as he states, â€Å"Hamlet is inhuman. He has seen through humanity. And this inhuman cynicism, however justifiable in this case, on the plane of casualty and individual responsibility, is a deadly and venomous thing†. I agree with Kettle as Hamlet seems to be trying to maintain his humanism and he does this by seeking the truth so he can get his revenge and still live by the laws of God. He searches for evidence to back his theory that Claudius is the source of rottenness so he is able to kill him and rid Denmark of all its rottenness. If, like Knight states, Hamlet were inhuman he would not hesitate in getting his revenge as much as he does and he would not question all the different religious belief systems. In The Short Oxford History of English Literature, Andrew Sanders states that, † Hamlet’s public problem is how to avenge a political murder in a culture where private vengeance is politically and morally unacceptable† (page 157). I disagree with Andrew Sanders as I have collected evidence that shows that in the Renaissance there were groups that strongly believed that humans were god-like, thus able to carry out revenge. I do not think it was totally morally unacceptable in this society to seek revenge and I believe the Shakespearean audience would have been aware of this. Shakespeare has provided the clues for Hamlet and the audience in the plays imagery. The play is fuelled by images of poison, rot and decay. This is enveloped in the theme of illusion verses reality. Things appear in the play to be true and honest but the reality is that they are infested with evil. Shakespeare has included a lot of imagery that is related to the bible, particularly Genesis. This creates a different theme in the play, one of inherited sin and corruption. Humans are fallen creatures, victims of the devils trickery, according to Genesis. Shakespeare has used this throughout the play, as there are many references to Adam, the Garden of Eden and original sin. â€Å"Tis given out that, sleeping in my orchard, A serpent stung me – so the whole ear of Denmark Is forged process of my death Rankly abus’d – but know, thou noble youth, The serpent that did sting thy father’s life Now wears his crown†. Act 1, scene 5, lines35-40. Here Shakespeare has used a metaphor to show that Claudius is perceived in this play as the devil, reflecting that Hamlet is not the only thing rotten in Denmark. Many of the characters hide behind masks of falseness and this makes it extremely difficult for Hamlet to uncover the truth that he desires in order to rid Denmark of Claudius and its rottenness. If Claudius is the devil, according to Humanist values, Hamlet could act god-like and do the state a favour and rid society of his infestation. If Hamlet followed his Christian ethics he would have to leave the justice to God and that would mean that society suffered. This would make the audience decide which belief system they would favour but would also bring in the question of what would happen to Hamlet when he died. Margreta de Grazia writes in her essay entitled, â€Å"Hamlet’s thoughts and antics† that † Hamlet fights against becoming rotten like Claudius, he struggles in a rotten world. He struggles to overcome his nausea by trying to unmask men, strip them of their fines appearances and show their true nature†. The one thing Hamlet does not want to do his lower himself to Claudius’ level and this is reflected in the play when he refuses to kill Claudius while he is praying. † Now might I do it pat, now a is a-praying. And now I’ll do ‘t. (Draws his sword) And so a goes to heaven; And so I reveng’d. that would be scann’d: A villain kills my father, and for that I, his sole son, do this same villain send To heaven†¦. † Act 3, scene 3 lines 73-79 I agree with Grazia as she backs what I have suggested above that Hamlet wants to be the executioner and not the assassin, as this would make him as low as Claudius. Hamlet is battling with all the ethics that his society has to discover whether or not he holds the power to deal out justice as God would. In conclusion I would have to say that Prince Hamlet is not the only thing rotten in Denmark. And as T. S Eliot puts it in the 1920 essay called ‘The Sacred Wood’, â€Å"If Hamlet is rotten, why would it be a tragedy? â€Å". The tragedy in this play is the fact that an intelligent, philosophical, sensitive character has been placed in a society that is rotten due to the King that governs it. My findings show that Claudius is the source of the rottenness in Denmark and Hamlet suffers against upholding traditional family values and his religious ethics. Hamlet has to put his ethics through every test imaginable, even at the risk of his own sanity. This does not make him rotten, this should make him commendable. Shakespeare has provided a character that wears his heart on his sleeve. We see every single one of his thought processes and watch in awe as he muddles through each dilemma. We watch as he loses his faith in mankind and achieve catharsis in the final scene when that faith seems to have been miraculously restored. This may be due to his coming to terms with his own fear of death or his realisation of mans role in the cosmos, we can’t be certain. But by having Hamlet regain some faith Shakespeare allows the audience and reader to regain their faith in mankind too. He is an example to us all. 3, 107 words (including extracts and quotes) 2, 264 words (excluding extracts and quotes) Shell Woodward. Bibliography Bate, J (1975) Shakespearean Constitutions, Politics, Theatre, Criticism 1730-1830 Clarendon Press, Oxford. Bevington, D (ed) (1968) Twentieth Century Interpretations of Hamlet, A Collection of Critical Essays Spectrum Books New Jersey. Brown Watson, C (1960) Shakespeare and the Renaissance Concept of Honor Princeton University Press New Jersey. Gurr, A (2001) The Shakespearean Stage 1574-1642 Cambridge University Press London. Jenkins, H (ed) (1993) Hamlet Arden Shakespeare Methuen & co ltd St Ives. Joughin, J, J (2000) Philosophical Shakespeares Routledge London. Jump, J (ed) (1985) Hamlet: A Selection of Critical Essays Macmillian London. Marsh, N (2003) Shakespeare, three problem plays. Palgrave New York. Sanders, A (2000) The Short Oxford Dictionary of English Literature Oxford University Press Oxford. Smith, D, N (1964) Shakespeare Criticism Oxford University Press London. Wells, R, H (2000) Shakespeare on Masculinity Cambridge University Press UK. URLS Eliot, T, S â€Å"The Scared Wood† essay www. bartleby. com/200/sw9. html Kettle, A – â€Å"Hamlet in a changing World† essay www. faculty. millikin. edu/~moconner. hum Knight, W â€Å"The Embassy of Death† essay www. mtsn. org. uk/staff/hamlet Rist, T Religion, Politics, Revenge: the dead in Renaissance drama www. shu. ac. uk/emls/09-1/ristdead. html.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Importance of society based on evidence from the media Essay

The media plays a very important part in the modern world. Media is any form or channel of communication that reaches out to large numbers of people. For instance, television, radio, newspapers, magazines and journals which circulate news and entertainment. Recent developments in technology have given rise to more sophisticated forms of media. In a growing society consisting of all age groups and people with different needs and interests, each mode of news would be received according to the individual receiving and understanding capacity. The attitudes and interests of an individual influence what he or she is willing to hear. Society is an entity that embodies a lot of aspects. Every human being has the need to belong to a certain society. No one can live alone and it is the nature of human beings to stay together. No one is an island and the sense of belonging is derived from being part of a society. Each society has its own values and these are respected by the society members. Communication is valued by the members of society because that is the way messages are passed from one person to the other. Given the current state where the world has become a global village, the need to receive and send information has become inevitable. Education and obtaining of new ideas is also seen as integral to the growth of any organization. This is where media comes in . Television offers information in many fields for example news, entertainment and advertising. It gives news on various occurrences and channels like Cartoon Network, Disney Channel, National Geographic, Discovery channel deliver entertainment to children and adults alike and develop learning skills for children. Television in this fast pace technology times is an effective mode of communication for multinational companies to big advertisements in order to increase sales and it is evident that people get motivated by new products. For instance a new flavor of tomato sauce, a new laptop of Acer, or a new Hollywood movie entertainment. Catching a clip of advertisement juggles the memory and motivates consumers to purchase. Radios, magazines and journals also play a huge role in advertising. Especially newspapers because they are more widely spread. Television media is a source of â€Å"All in one† which means, advertisement, entertainment, education and news are available with cable connection or dish antennae. Television is looked upon as a home entertainment box which is why television companies such as Panasonic, LG, Samsung are releasing televisions with wider and flat screens and almost every middle class home has a television to have access to entertainment and news. On one hand, television regulates business stocks, nation index and sensex, product advertisements, sales promotion, education and entertainment for children, access to global news for public and on the other hand, it is difficult to control TV channels that are transmitted. This aspect of media has a negative impact because this means that even little children can have access to unsuitable channels that show programs which are way above their level of mind. For example soap operas that promote infidelity or have explicit content certainly causes harm to young minds. Some programs also show violence and hostility which might poison young minds. In this way the media downplays the society’s attempts to uphold good morals. These negative challenges can only be prevented through certain guidelines and rules of Television and Media regulations which have to be promulgated regionally in every state keeping the view of younger generation. Apart from the above, an awareness about positive and negative impact of television must be brought before civil society, as to what messages should be accepted and messages that are to be unaccepted must be made clear. For instance, emotionally disturbing family serials or violent destructive play shows leave a deep impact on people, whose mindset would begin to change and might lead to another line of negative thinking. A healthy and upright message should be transmitted, which is seldom found in present times. It is the absolute responsibility of parents to guard children from watching any morally deviating channels or programs or better yet the TV stations should issue parental advisories before the beginning of every program. Apart from the television there are other mass media forms that can transmit negative literature. For example magazines and journals that are substandard and publish lies. This can cause uprisings in the society and disrupt the otherwise peaceful environment. Journalists should take great care to write and publish the truth only. The media has a key role in every society and if this position is misused it can work in against the society. The media should always try to work in such a way that they can uphold peace in the society and complement the society’s efforts to maintain peace and morals. According to (Perse 78), media affects how children can be more accepting of violence and anti-social behavior. It can also cultivate social attitudes and stereotypes. Thus media as an entity should be handled carefully. According to (New York Times 20) music is an integral part of the young people’s lives and the rapper Nas’ lyrics with his strong messages would definitely have an effect on the young people. Though media can also help to impart helpful and good morals to a society. For instance there are programs on the radio and television that uphold peace and unity in the community. The newspapers and briefs also produce news items that serve to bring people together. The media sometimes organizes campaigns to spread awareness. For example Youth campaigns against drug abuse, campaigns to create awareness on HIV/AIDS and promote responsible behavior. In this way the media plays an important role in uplifting the morals of the society. This is because the media can generate interest and cause debates or discussions about most social problems. So it is evident that despite the adverse aspects of the media, society cannot survive without it. Society plays a large role in influencing the media because it chooses what to promote in the media. For instance the kind of entertainment provided by media stations are tailor-made and designed to meet the needs of a particular audience. People play a great part in determining what the media shows. â€Å"It is human agency that both maintains and alters social structures. † (Croteau 22). A survey carried out to determine how much people rely on the media for news and advertising information. 8 out of 10 people get their news daily. 2 out of 10 people have subscribed to a magazine or newspaper. 7 out of 10 read or watch advertisements. 8 out of 10 have been interested to buy something they saw in an advertisement. 8 out of 10 say that it is not best to use advertisement to choose a product. Most people get news from the TV 5 out of 10 read only the headlines when they get news on the internet. 50% do not trust the news they get. The above research shows that media does play an integral role in transmitting information to the members of a society. Though half the people do not believe the news they hear, we still have to acknowledge the role the media plays in creating commonness and unity within a society. The positive effect it has on society surpasses the negative attributes. Works Cited Crouteau, David and Haynes, William. Media Society. Industries, Images and Audiences. Thousand Oaks, California: Pine Forge Press. 2000 Fleming, Rockey A. New Rage Music: Do explicit Lyrics Corrupt Moral Values of Children. New York Times 12 January 2003. Perse, Elizabeth M. Media Effects and Society. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 2001.

Evaluating the Research Process Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Evaluating the Research Process - Essay Example The third hypothesis holds that pregnant teenagers have higher self-esteem than those who are not pregnant. Finally, Robinson & Frank (1994) theorize that higher self-esteem levels are reported among male teenagers that have fathered children as compared to those who have not fathered any children. The literature review section of this research is not biased as it covers both the literature that supports the hypotheses and other literature that is against the hypotheses. For example, Robinson & Frank (1994) are of the opinion that current measures being used to fight teenage pregnancies are not effective. In fact, a study by Hepfer (1998) is cited as having proved that interventions such as sex education are not effective in reducing teenage pregnancy, thus the need for programs focusing on teenage self-esteem. The hypothesis that sexually active teenage males and those who have fathered a child have more self-esteem than non-sexually males and those who have no fathered children is also supported by literature. According to Robinson & Frank (1994) research by Friedman & Castiglia (1990) shows that males tend to assert their masculinity by being sexually active and fathering children. However, a research by Dilorio & Riley (1998) found no relation between low self-esteem, loneliness, and pregnancy. To support this finding further, Robinson & Frank also cite Meyer (1991) who found no relationship between self esteem, fathering of children and sexual activity among teenage males. The study sampled 287 participants drawn from two high schools that were university-affiliated and sixteen teenagers who were pregnant. The records were sourced from the office of the local obstetrician. The research used the qualitative method of data collection whereby a personality test, the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory, comprising of 25 items was used as the main data gathering device. The test was in form of questionnaires which required the participants to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Gaining Leverage in Negotiations Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Gaining Leverage in Negotiations - Coursework Example French and Raven’s five sources of power (1956) refer to a research of where power comes from conducted by social psychologists John R. P. French and Bertram Raven (Changing Minds, 2015). French and Raven derived five bases of power that include legitimate power, coercive power, reward power, referent power, and expert power (Raven, 1990). Legitimate power manifests in kings, police officers, and managers and can achieve effective negotiations by taking advantage of the position to influence people since it is the position they obey and not the holder (Changing Minds, 2015). Coercive power possessed by dictators and bullies can achieve effective negotiations by demonstrating physical harm to the other party. Reward power is often evident in work places and can achieve effective negotiations by offering a reasonable reward to the other party in order to compel him or her to do as your wish. Referent power can apply in celebrities and social leaders who influence those who want to be like them by excluding them from the negotiations. Lastly, expert power can achieve effective negotiations by influencing others to demonstrate or boycott an

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Use of quantative methods for a healthcare organization when launching Essay

Use of quantative methods for a healthcare organization when launching a first of its kind medical device - Essay Example These technologies use molecular diagnostics, diagnostic imaging technologies and revolutionary telecommunication to serve their clients and have a wider reach. Similarly a disruptive innovation is one which brings to market the products and services that are much more affordable, and also keeping the quality levels intact and may be higher. It exceeds the expectation of the market in terms of cost effectiveness or being designed for a different set of customers. Disruptive innovations are now the key to ushering of affordable and competent healthcare. For example, a health care disruptive innovation was the one which disrupted retail pharmacies. In addition the potential drugs discovered to lower cholesterol are considered as the disrupted technologies and innovation to replace the frequency of angioplastic surgeries which itself was a disruptive technology to open heart surgery. The Zenith Hospital wanted to use a disruptive technology due to the some facts studied by the management survey. The survey was based on statistical models which gave a direction for the implementation of the disruptive technology. The focus of the hospital was to increase the patient turnover and profitability by reaching to the unattended patient population. Methodology Data collection of the patient turnover in the hospital was considered for the previous two years. This was compared by statistical analysis to find out the difference in patient turnover and statistical tests of significance were implemented. Data collection done from a competitive hospital of a similar profile to understand the position Feedback questionnaire was formulated to find out the reasons and preferences for selecting the hospital services. This was represented as a pie chart to analyze the major reasons of satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the factors causing usage of hospital services. The correlation coefficient will then be found out with the various factors that is positively related with the positive turnovers and the factors related with the negative turnover of the patients. Usage of ordinary least squares regression to be done to find out the weighted significance of all the factors which contribute to the positivity and negativity of the patient turnover in the hospital. A cost benefit analysis was done to estimate the return on investment for the AKA disruptive technology to be implemented and the feasibility of such project Results 1. Patient turnover in the Zenith Hospital in 2011(1) and 2012(2) in earlier 2 years. (p0.01) 3. The factors leading to dissatisfaction for reduced turnover of the patients 4. The correlation coefficients calculated with turnover were -0.7 with waiting time, +0.123 with Competency of hospital staff, +0.003 with cost effectivity and +0.21 with care giving. Significant correlation coefficients were related to waiting time and care giving(p

Friday, July 26, 2019

Ryanair assignment ( new instructions to follow) Essay

Ryanair assignment ( new instructions to follow) - Essay Example However, before the airline looks further in different areas where services can be charged for, Ryanair needs to know the customer response to this strategy of charging for online check-ins. The impact of the economic crisis has hit all the carriers since 2008 which has prompted most low cost carriers to take stringent actions (Dunn, 2009). The low cost carriers thrive on the cost consciousness business passengers as people look for cheaper alternatives. Passengers become price sensitive, according to Ryanair while customer sentiment is focused on value, according to JetBlue. The smaller low cost carriers have closed shop while the larger ones can afford to charge for services, as they are the most sought after during such times. Airlines have started charging fees for additional baggage, for checked baggage or for bags that are heavy (Kahler, 2009). Ryanair admits that ancillary revenues made up 20% of its revenues in 2008 (Deprez, 2009). Ryanair does not have an impressive customer service record. Ryanair has been charged for fleecing money from its customers. While they may fly passengers even at  £ 1, passengers they do not offer refreshments for flight delays and nor do they provide a hotel for flight cancellations (HRIMD, 2007). Before deciding to charge for ancillary services, an airline has to take into account customer satisfaction, retention and loyalty. There is a difference between perceived quality and satisfaction. Perceived service quality is an attitude, an evaluation whereas satisfaction is a transaction specific measure (Baisya & Sarkar, 2004). Ryanair would have to decide on its objective based on whether they want customers that are ‘satisfied’ with their performance or they want to deliver the maximum level of ‘perceived’ service quality. Customer satisfaction has long-term benefits such as reduced failure costs and enhanced reputation of the airline. Personal service and going out of the way to serve the people in

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Filmmaking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Filmmaking - Essay Example Since the producer is the one who spends money for film production, he decides how much money is needed for the project. He will usually discuss it with the director. The director is the one who decides the actors, technicians, locations needed for the film he directs. Usually he discuss these matters with the producer. The director creates a rough idea in his mind about how the film is going to be pictured. He will discuss those ideas with the actors and other concerned technicians like cameraman, make up man etc. The director decides â€Å"Which way an actor looks, or which side of the camera he exits or enters, how the comedy and serious scenes pictured, when slow motion is required, how the actors should deliver the dialogue etc (Marshall). In short, film director decides how all the technicians taking part in the film function. It is difficult to produce good quality films using normal video cameras. An HD video camera with a wider aspect ratio of 16:9(wide screen) is necessary for making films in digital formats. The resolution should be greater than 1090 pixels wide x 1080 pixels high (What Camera To Use For Filmmaking). Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Sony etc are some of the prominent companies which make movie cameras. Digital cameras are used extensively nowadays in film shooting. Digital cameras use video tape, hard disk or flash memory for recording digital data. Digital data can be edited or modified easily compared to other data and that is why modern cinematographers use digital camera for the shooting purposes. â€Å"Paranormal Activity† is the movie which got highest bookings in last week. Its weakened gross revenue is $ 29003900. (U.S. and Canada Box Office). The world famous Hollywood is located in Los-Angeles. The history of film making in Hollywood was started in 1886 â€Å"when Landowners Harvey & Daeida Henderson Wilcox name their ranch Hollywood after Daeida met a woman in Ohio whose country house was

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Business Entity Matrix Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Entity Matrix Paper - Essay Example Another reason of choosing LLP relates with my inherited home, as LLP protects personal assets of partners in a way that wrongful actions of my friend partners will not cause loss of my inherited place, and thus, it was better to choose limited liability partnership, as I will be responsible for only my unlawful acts and vice versa. Another significant advantage of choosing LLP is its mode of consistence, as any alterations in the number of partners will not affect my benefits, as well as liabilities, unlike limited partnerships (Mancuso, 2007).  In this way, limited liability partnership seemed a shielded business structure with less exposure to particular liabilities. Although LLP is an innovative structure, study indicated few problems related to legal and tax issues (Daily, 2008); however, it appeared a better option during the decision. Regarding other liabilities, brief analysis specified that although LLP protects liability of partners; however, some states in the country do not offer such restrictions, and thus, all the partners may confront losses. Moreover, detail analysis and comparison with other forms of business structures showed that I would be less secure in LLP, as compared with financial liabilities of a shareholder in a corporation. Still, I chose limited liability partnership after analyzing different aspects, benefits, and drawbacks of different business entities.Besides analysis of business structures, employees or workforce play a major role in the success and failure of any business entity.

Piped distribution services question 1-4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Piped distribution services question 1-4 - Essay Example Give different options. Evaluate their merits. The building in question is very tall and expansive. It shall in turn attract numerous clients. In this regard, the client and building requirements shall be effective air conditioning systems; properly installed boilers; backup power generation system; efficient and effective elevators and good refrigeration systems. The risks involved in terms of death and injuries inflicted as a result of fire breakout are huge. The project requires smoke detectors, an alarm system, a surveillance system, fire extinguishers and a medical response team. The company can choose to use the old technology that is readily available and is relatively cheap. This shall save on the costs. On the other hand, the company can also choose to employ the modern technology that is more advanced and sophisticated. This is very fast and effective for the huge building and numerous clients in question. 1.2) Evaluate alternative strategies for the provision of piped dist ribution services and fire protection and fire fighting services systems. Advise which system you consider the most suitable to the building. The company can choose to undertake the provision of all the services to the clients of the building. All the clients regardless of their social status or power receive the same services and pay the same amount to the company for these services. The company can also choose to provide all these services but in accordance to the desire and financial ability of each tenant. Every tenant upon renting a premise in the building specifies the kind of services he or she is willing to receive and able to pay for. Lastly, the company can opt not to offer any of these services. Each client upon renting a premise in the building finds his or her own means of getting these services. Of all these three strategies, the first one is the best. These services are basic. The risks involved if one tenant misses the services still affect the other clients the serv ices. It is thus important that the company offers the services for every tenant and in a common level of sophistication. 1.3) Establish design parameters, standards and legislative requirements. Give at least two approaches. Evaluate the approaches. The building shall require an A.C source of electricity. This is the main source of energy that shall power all appliances. Aluminum pipes shall be required for plumbing to deal with the high pumping pressure to the top floors. Before the commencement of the construction work, the government needs to approve of the design and location of the building. After the construction, the government shall also send inspectors to ascertain the suitability of the building for commercial use. These requirements can be viewed from the approach of cutting on costs, or the approach of cutting on accidents. In order top cut on costs, the company only has to conform to the minimum requirements of erecting the building. On the other hand, in order to cut on the risks of getting involved in accidents, the building needs sophisticated material. All the requirements should be approaching the maximum limits in the market. 1.4) Produce design specifications. Comment the different specifications. Discuss their relationship. The building needs

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Importance of Annual Reports and Accounts Essay

Importance of Annual Reports and Accounts - Essay Example Generally enterprises use annual reports to express three major types of information and that are market information, financial information and information related to productivity. Tesco’s annual reports also hit the same purpose as they project information of market competencies, company’s fiscal growth and revenues with respect to output levels (Thomsett, 2007). Tesco’s Annual Reports on Market Analysis Tesco’s annual reports talk about the market situation in which the company operates. The reports indicate different market segments, those in which Tesco is successful and those where the company sets back. There is a summarized overview of different business constraints which Tesco highlights in its annual reports. Constraints include trading levels, profit and loss statements, revenues of a particular fiscal, growth, number of employees working, and number of stores operating in one particular fiscal. By giving the overview of all such constraints, Tes co is able to analyze its present market situation (Tesco, 2012). The report comes out at the end of each fiscal giving an overview of complete market statistics. This enables managers to assess present market in terms of future growth prospect. From Tesco’s annual reporting system it can be said that annual reports play a decisive role in market analysis. By having such event based information as in Tesco’s reports, the company is able to compare its past market with the relativistic present market (Tesco, 2012). Actually the reports are projections of periods allowing the planning to make true real assessment. This helps in creating market picture, which shows that how much there is stability and... This paper approves that there are different reasons of why annual reports are important to enterprises. Some of the reasons are clean market analysis, comprehensive growth assessment and comparative financial evaluation, which are helpful to prepare future plans for the company (Stittle, 2003). Annual reports mostly include three types of information, market information, financial information and information related to growth and productivity. By general assessment of the reports strategists are able to understand overall performance of the company on a particular. Annual reports play a decisive role in this respect as they project the key highlights of the company including new projects, day to day customer experience, employees stability and investors engagement, which are enough elements to understand the growth rate and productivity. This report makes a conclusion that Tesco an international retailing company also operates on annual reporting system. The company comes out deliberate with a year of year reporting where information is mostly based financials, market status and growth of the company. This type of information is important to both Tesco managers and investors as they have the idea on company’s real time progress by accessing the annual reported documents. Hence it is to conclude that annual reports hold a major importance for an organization, especially when the organization is on the international grounds and requires a comprehensive tool of expression like annual reports.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Robert Swindells Essay Example for Free

Robert Swindells Essay How does Robert Swindells make you feel sympathetic to the situation that homeless people find themselves? Robert Swindells makes you feel sympathetic in the book quite a lot. Here are some reasons: I think the main reason is because he uses first person narrative. The homeless character can say his opinion on the street because he has the most experience whereas the public and charity can only get facts and exaggerate. Link can also express the difficultness he faces in a diary. Swindells also makes the character say Emotive words which make it sound bad e. g.Link describes the sleeping really bad which make readers fell sorry for him. The first person narrative is good also because Link describes the story as if you were there. The book makes you feel sorry for Link because at the start it shows you how he had no choice but to be homeless because of his stepdad Vince. At the start it showed you how nobody cared about him and how he couldnt help for help or support. At first you think everything will be ok because his sister Carole helps him but the cliff-hanger makes you feel sorry as in the end he was still let down. You can also see how upset he was when he received a sleeping bag as it was a sign from his family saying hes homeless. The ending is quite sad because you feel upsetting knowing that most of the homeless will never get any better. I think he uses a bad ending to make people be more aware of the homeless and to make you even more he used a murder story. Theres also another bit at the last moment to make you so sympathetic when he finds out that Gails really a journalist. In the book it shows how hard it is for Link to get a job. Its shows each day go past making you feel sorry hes living rough because hes waiting for a job opportunity. In the end he cant find any and it shows him begging for money and how hard it is to encourage people to give and he describes them as: head-shakers, pocket-patters and shruggers. You feel sympathetic as these words are used. Showing the publics opinion makes you sad as they have a negative opinion about the homeless. The author is trying to show you what you might be like and trying to give you a positive opinion about the homeless. He also tries to show that its very hard to ask for help as its like hes invisible.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The Found Footage Phenomenon Film Studies Essay

The Found Footage Phenomenon Film Studies Essay The Blair Witch Project is a story of an attempt of three documentary film students to investigate the legends of the Blair Witch. Apparently skeptical, Heather, Joshua, and Michael enter the woods around Burkittsville, Maryland, with two cameras. Heather was determined to document everything in  «as straightforward way as possible ». As the documentarians go deeper, the friends become unsure of their whereabouts. Soon, they realize that they have lost their way. At night, the filmmakers hear bizarre noises, and in the morning, find three fresh rock mounds built outside their tent. The mood is charged with fear, frustration, and anger as the trio is trying to find their way out of the woods but seem to be entrapped and walk in circles. Their sense of doom is enhanced as one night, Joshua vanishes without a trace. Following his screams, Heather and Michael come to a deserted house in the woods. They go inside and search everywhere until Michael runs to the basement claiming that h e has heard Joshua there. The footage ends with Heather screaming and dropping the camera on the floor, the last image being of Michael with his face to a wall in the semi-dark basement. Being a mockumentary, The Blair Witch Project primarily draws on all the elements of the documentary genre to achieve its effects. While the movie was being created, the directors launched a marketing campaign by creating a website with fake reports of the three filmmakers missing and documents of the Blair Witch. Thus, as Emily Shaw points out, billed as a factual piece, the phenomenon quickly gained a cult following (386). It should be remembered that the impression produced by a documentary film is that of greater authenticity than made by a fictional film. According to Joseph H. Boggs and Dennis W. Petrie, even the first documentary productions emanated from what we could call the documentary urge of their creators, who wished, quite simply, to document life » (460). However, the implication of the genre from which found footage takes its roots is more complex as documentary pictures do not merely record objective reality. Like nonfiction literature, a nonfiction film inevitabl y presents the subjective vision of its maker as well (461). Therefore, it is the blend of grainy-film objectivity and the subjective first-person narration of the camera-holder that seems to make the found footage genre so appealing. The director of photography of The Blair Witch Project Neal Fredericks recalls that most of the video footage was shot by Donahue, which was designed to provide a more immediate, you-are-there feeling for their day-to-day behind-the-scenes experiences on this fictional class project. Ive had some experience transferring video to film, so I knew that when we eventually transferred all of the footage to a 35mm print, the aesthetic qualities of the 35mm film would take some of the edge off the video, making it a bit softer and more pleasing to the eye (Pizzello, 100). Film experts have applauded Myrick and Sanchez for the enticing rawness of their approach. For example, Melinda Corey and George Ochoa noted that the movie shot on 16mm black and white and color digital video, was commended for its documentary style, blurring the lines between reality and fiction (131). Another expert, Kevin Harley, called The Blair Witch Project a guerilla-indie hit that, while drawing on mockumentary self-consciousness, channeled raw edge-of-sight fear. Blairs ambiguities amplify its resonances (110). The effect of their first-person narration technique of The Blair Witch Project was fascinating at the time; however, Myrick and Sanchez successors have since considerably ameliorated their method. The use of mirrors, for example, in Chronicle (director: Josh Trank, screenplay: Max Landis, cinematographer: Matthew Jensen), a story of three high-school students who acquire telekinetic powers, or Paranormal Activity (written, directed and filmed by Oren Peli) was innovative for the genre. In Chronicle, the mirrors not only advance its protagonists Andrews characterization as a narcissistic teenager but also help to make the movie more visually sophisticated than the early specimens of the genre. In Paranormal Activity, mirrors hint at its protagonists Katies and Micahs double selves as well as their relationships gradual disintegration. Another improvement in the found footage genre has been its expansion from the domain of horror (i.e. witches, spirits and daemons) to the science fiction film as illustrated, for example, by Cloverfield (2008) and Chronicle. The critic of culture Bruce Kawin has made a distinction between the effects that horror and science fiction films produce on the viewer. According to him, one goes to the horror film in order to have a nightmare, a dream whose undercurrent of anxiety both presents and masks the desire to fulfill and be punished for certain unconventionally unacceptable impulses. Moreover, Kawin claims that science fiction appeals to consciousness, horror to the unconscious (qtd. in Boggs, Petrie, 422). Another cultural critic J.P. Telotte commenting on sci-fi filmmaking points out that the genre has obviously staked out as its special territory the latest possibilities of artifice through the very latest of technological development in cinema. Tellote goes on to compliment the creators of science fiction films for finally making this artifice seem to be less its end than its methodà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ simply a most effective wayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ for gauging the human (qtd. in Boggs, Petrie, 422). It is true that found footage films have progressively focused on exploring the human condition. One of the pervasive themes that unite The Blair Witch Project, Chronicle, and Paranormal Activity is their respective characters inability to cope with reality and isolation; besides, their handheld cameras play a vital role in this. One of the directors of The Blair Witch Project Eduardo Sanchez claims that he drew his inspiration for the movie from such movies as The Shining and The Exorcist. And just like in The Shining (produced and directed by Stanley Kubrick), a 1980 film about a janitor going insane in a snowbound hotel and taking it out on his wife and child, the pervasive theme of Myrick and Sanchezs mockumentary is psychological and physical isolation, which, acco rding to Sanchez, is the key to horror films (Fletcher, 29). While the three young filmmakers searching for the evidence of the Blair Witch find themselves cut off from the outside world, their leader Heather, perhaps, has always been so, for as Joshua half-jokingly remarks to her at one point in the movie: We see why you like this video camera so much. Its not quite reality. Its totally filtered reality. Its like you can pretend everythings not quite the way it is. Heather has no comment on this, but Joshuas banter is echoed in Chronicle, where Steven questions Andrew about always putting up a camera between himself and the world as a barrier, whereas in Paranormal Activity, Katie repeatedly blames Micah for preferring the camera to human communication. However, while no reasons are given for Heathers self-isolation behind her cameras eye, the subject is much better elaborated in more recent found-footage. In Chronicle, it is obviously Andrews abusive and alcoholic father and the terminal illness of his mother that drive him to conquer reality through the camera lens. In Paranormal Activity, Micahs camera plays a role of its own, initially used by him to identify the supernatural activity in the couples house but actually stimulates its outbursts and brings about his demise. It is noteworthy that modern home-video-look directors have detached the camera from the actor, thus defying the very notion of handheld and not without success. For instance, the telekinetic high-schoolers in Chronicle can make the camera float in the air, just like they do, or, like Micah in Paranormal Activity, leave it working on a tripod and review the footage later, thus creating a juxtaposition of the past and present-time planes in the narration something unimaginable in the early found-footage days. Moreover, unlike the late 20th-century hand-held cam fiction, the modern found-footage makers have increasingly been using conventional themes and narration techniques. Chronicle, for instance, is nothing but an account of a duel between good and evil, a subject common to dozens of Hollywood productions that even transcends the limitation of one plot line: the initially ambiguous but eventually fixed relationship of Matt and Casey is opposed to the chronicle of Andrews downfall. Furthermore, Chronicle appeals to its target audience by addressing the adolescent obsession with sex as well as the nerd-turned-Superhero theme, whereas the violent outbreaks of Paranormal Activity could be seen quite conventionally as an artistic metaphor for the love-hate relationship between Katie and Micah. The success of this hybrid approach has made even the forefathers of the found-footage genre redefine their priorities. According to one of the men behind The Blair Witch Project, Eduardo Sanchez, he has recently been frustrated by the idea of always having to have the camera on. This year, Sanchez has released Lovely Molly, a horror film shot partly with the help of handheld and partly with conventional camera. The director says, Whether its found footage or conventional filmmaking, a good idea will transcend (29+). Works Cited Leonard, Michael Williams. Artisan Entertainment, 1999 Boggs, Joseph H., Petrie, Dennis W. The Art of Watching Films. Mountain View, CA: Mayfield Publishing Company, 2000 Buzz Section. The Movie Book of Records. Total Film. Dec. 2007: 44-45 Corey, Melinda, and George Ochoa, Eds-in-Chief. The American Film Institute Desk Reference. New York: Dorling Kindersley Publishing, Inc. , 2002 Harley, Kevin,  «History of Horror. The 90s. » Total Film. Nov. 2007: 110+ Pizzello, Stephen. Rev of The Blair Witch Project by Daniel Myrick and Eduardo Sanchez. American Cinematographer. Apr. 1999: 97-100. Sanchez, Eduardo. Director Interview: Lost and Found. Total Film. Issue 195 (2012): 29+ Shaw, Emily. Daniel Myrick. Contemporary North American Film Directors. A Wallflower Critical Guide. London and New York: Wallflower Press, 2002

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Adverse Effects Of Pornography Sociology Essay

The Adverse Effects Of Pornography Sociology Essay The long-standing issues on pornography have been present in every generation and have undeniably caused much negative effects on the way people viewed sexuality and their relationships to the opposite sex. As the spread of different kinds of technologies increased further, especially as the use of computers and the Internet became more prominent in the lives of the adolescents, the problems and issues on pornography worsened even more (Ybarra, M. Mitchell, K., 2005). The increase in access of young children and the adolescents to the use of Internet and the viewing of pornographic sites has posed serious threats and harm over the psychological and social development of these people (Mesch, G. S., 2006). Because of pornography, the healthy views of young people on sexuality becomes distorted, making themselves slaves to selfish sexual gratification and losing their respect to themselves and to other people, especially among women. Pornography also paints a distorted picture of the conjugal act which is meant to be sacred and is only legitimized within the context of marriage. Moreover, it destroys the foundation of purity, respect and love which fuels and drives relationships like marriage and family (Fagan, P. 2010). Given this issue on the faster spread of pornography, the issue indeed calls for immediate appropriate actions from both the families and the bigger society. Apparently, there is a need to identify the adverse effects of pornography on an adolescent, how it destroys and distorts his or her healthy view on sexuality as well as the proper use of that sexuality. Moreover, there is also a need to identify the importance for an adolescent to have a healthy sexual attitude and state the repercussions of having such an attitude on the society and the persons he/she deals with (Fagan, P. 2010). Statement of the Problem and Sub-Problems This paper on The Adverse Effects of Pornography on an Adolescents Healthy Sexual Attitude Development aims to disclose the long list of the adverse effects of pornography on the lives of adolescent both males and females aged 12 to 18 years old and identify the means on how pornography is most often accessed by these adolescents. This paper will also attempt to describe and emphasize the importance of having a healthy sexual attitude among the adolescents and how having this kind of right attitude will improve their notion of respect, love and relationships. Specifically, this paper will attempt to identify and address the following problems and sub-problems on pornography: What is pornography? What are the types of materials considered as pornographic? How do adolescents, both males and females aged 12 to 17 years old, access these pornographic materials? Why do these adolescents resort to viewing these pornographic materials? What are the adverse effects of pornography on an adolescent? What is a healthy sexual attitude? How important is having a healthy sexual attitude among adolescents? How do the adverse effects of pornography affect adolescents healthy sexual attitude development? Hypothesis In this research study on The Adverse Effects of Pornography on an Adolescents Healthy Sexual Attitude Development, the following hypotheses will be answered and addressed: Hypothesis1: If the adolescents would be more exposed to pornography, then there is a higher level of adverse effect on their sexual attitude Hypothesis2: If the adolescents carry a negative sexual attitude, then this was most likely triggered by pornography Hypothesis3: If the adolescents would not be exposed to pornography, then the adolescent would have a healthy sexual attitude Hypothesis4: If the adolescents possess a positive sexual attitude, then this was because the adolescent was not exposed to pornography Delimitations The scope of this study will merely involve respondents who are males and females, 12 to 18 years old, and within the adolescent stage. Since the prevalence of this issue or problem is most rampant in this stage of life, the researcher chose to limit the study to identifying the adverse effects of pornography among these young adolescents. This research study will not however cover the adverse effects of pornography on young adults whose access and viewership of pornography is also quite high. The researcher assumes that the level of maturity and freedom to make a choice is what separates the young adults from the adolescents wherein the latter needs more supervision and guidance than the former. The sole focus of this research will also be on how the adverse effects of pornography destroy or distort the sexual attitude development of adolescents and will not include some other repercussions like for instance, the sexual abuses committed by adolescents due to pornography. Definition of Terms 1Adolescent (noun) the process or state of growing up; a period in life characterized by many changes in the biological, emotional and psychological make-up of a person; usually referred to as the period in life between puberty and maturity; a major stage of development in a person life usually occurring between 12 to 18 years old 2Adverse (adjective) a result contrary to ones interest or expectations; something harmful and unfavorable; detrimental 3Casual Sex (noun) doing the sexual act with a person whom one is not committed to; having sex with another person without any plans of going into a long term relationship with that person; an act of fornication 4Conjugal Act (noun) -pertains to the sexual communion of a man and a woman within the bounds of marriage; sexual intercourse by a wife and a husband 5Digital Media (noun) content that was digitized in terms of content, audio and graphics and is transferred to other computer networks or over the internet 6Internet (noun) huge network of computers linked with all the other computer networks around the world; uses various communication protocols to access, send or receive data about almost anything to other computer networks 7Pornography (noun) refers to the magazines, photographs or books and even music or art that is design to stimulate sexual desires and impulses by depicting nudity or forms of sexual intercourse 8Sexuality (noun) refers to how the people experience sexual desires and their capacities to express themselves as sexual beings Assumptions Several underlying assumptions were derived by the researcher out of this research study on The Adverse Effects of Pornography on an Adolescents Healthy Sexual Attitude Development and these are the following: That an adolescents sexual attitude is directly linked to the extent of exposure to pornography an adolescent had That an adolescent who was not exposed to pornography will have a relatively healthier sexual attitude That an adolescent who has a negative sexual attitude has been more exposed to pornography That an adolescent who has a positive sexual attitude has been exposed less to pornography Importance of Study This research study is aimed at exposing the very sensitive issue on pornography out in the open to increase the awareness of adolescents on the adverse effects of viewing pornographies and how this act leads to a complete distortion of their views on relationships and their sexuality. This research study intends to educate and inform both the adolescents, their families and societies on the damage that pornography does to the sexual attitudes of these young people as well as inform them on the specific action steps to be taken in order to immediately address this issue on pornography and totally minimize or prevent them from accessing these materials. III. Data and Treatment of Data A. Data needed and the means for obtaining the data Both qualitative and quantitative data will be derived from this research study. Both data will detail the adverse effects of pornography on the lives of adolescent both males and females aged 12 to 18 years old. Furthermore, the acquired data from these respondents will identify the means on how pornography is most often accessed by these adolescents, why they access pornographic materials and how often they access and view pornographic materials given a certain period of time. Both qualitative and quantitative data for this research study will be obtained via the series of in-depth interviews that will be conducted by the researcher as well the survey questionnaires that will be provided to the chosen respondents. B. Research Methodology Qualitative and quantitative research studies will be conducted for this research study to determine the different and most predominant adverse effects of pornography on adolescents, 12 to 18 years old and how these adverse effects disrupt the healthy sexual development of these adolescents. A substantial amount of 500 respondents, males and females, most high school and college students will be randomly selected from various schools and universities to participate in the study. The qualifications include the demographics assessment as well as the behavioral qualification of having been exposed to pornography either accidentally or willfully for at least three times. Out of the 500 randomly selected respondents, a survey questionnaire will be floated to probe on the habits and day to day activities of these adolescents and how they get to access or view pornography. Then each of the 500 respondents will undergo in-depth interviews via telephone to maintain confidentiality and build trust and comfort with the interviewers as sensitive questions will be asked of them regarding their pornographic viewing and the apparent adverse effects of this act on them. C. Specific treatment of the data for each sub problem Data obtained will then be inputted in the SPSS or the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences for a much clearer and accurate data analysis. The measures will be carefully weighed by using this appropriate statistical tool and the measures will as well be analyzed strictly. IV. Qualifications of the researcher and any assistants The researchers and the assistants she will be hiring for this research study will come from various market research agencies who have had previous experience in conducting consumer and respondent interviews and survey data gathering on sensitive issues related to pornography. This is to build the trust, confidentiality and comfort of the respondents in sharing their experiences on pornography. V. Outline of the proposed study (steps to be taken, timeline, etc) After six months of the data gathering procedure and the tabulation of results and findings of the study, information dissemination will commence on the sixth month. This is to inform the beneficiaries of the study of the real adverse effects of pornography among adolescents in order for them to conduct awareness and solution-oriented programs to address this issue. VII. Appendices The appendices part shall include the various tables and graphs collated from the literature reviews and related studies gathered for this research study. II. Review of Related Literature Pornography Definition According to Zillman, D Bryant, J. (1989), pornography has been with the people for the longest time and is possibly as old as the existence of prostitution since the ancient days. In terms of the passing and exchange of sexual information, different cultures vary in their tolerance level. Some cultures embrace pornography more than other conservative cultures. There are some cultures who consider the oppression of sexual behavior and desires a violation of the human rights to freedom while there are other cultures who object violently on the existence of pornography as it causes harmful effects on the minds of the people. Zillman, D Bryant, J. (1989) points out that the development in technologies further aggravated the issue on pornography. During the ancient days, it was found out that only the rich and the privileged few have direct access on drawings and written works which stimulate the sexual impulses of people. But today, videos of all kinds of sexual acts circulating over the internet have already been rampant enough that anyone can freely access them anytime. Not only adults but more and more adolescents are given the freedom to sneak a peek on these sexual videos which poison the minds of the young. In every culture in the world, the depictions of sexual acts on literary works, drawings, music and art have been long before readily accessible and have already been widely circulated. Different forms of sexual depictions are being defined and classified by people as either pornographic or not depending on the cultures interpretations. Nevertheless, experts say that these depictions still create adverse or harmful effects on the pure minds of the young which should never be tolerated (Zillman, D Bryant, J., 1989). According to Hyde, M (1964), pornography is defined as any explicit and clear portrayal of a sexual activity or suggestive sexual objects which are used for the purposes of stimulating sexual desires and heightening the sexual impulses of people. Hyde, M (1964) however stresses that the live portrayal of these sexual activities are not anymore considered pornography since a pornography only shows the depiction and not the actual sexual act itself. The portrayal of these pornographic images are most commonly found magazines, books, photos, paintings, music, videos, or even video games. Given these, the accessibility of pornographic materials are very easy and do not require much of an effort. Nowadays, even children below 5 years old can easily access these materials via the Internet (Hyde, M., 1964). B. Types of Pornographic Materials Since apparently, pornographic materials manifest itself in different forms, it is important to also enumerate in detail the tools or vehicles most often used by people to show pornography. Knowledge of this matter is very important as some people, because of the lack of understanding, accidentally jump on a pornographic page or site and become hooked with it. The purpose of knowing the various types of pornographic materials is important so that people will avoid these sexual materials and not be tempted to view them. 1. Print Pornography In the 1950s, print pornography was quite popular among the Americans as men found it more exciting to view nude women in pornographic books and literatures. During that time, the open and explicit depiction of sexual acts was taboo and people found it improper to use vulgar sexual terms. In the 1960s, still photography of nude women became more popular. Furthermore, people were already open to publicly displaying and buying these pornographic materials. Artists and painters defended their paintings and art works displaying nudity as merely works of art. By 1970s, magazines depicting pornography, homosexual activities and sexual violence became popular as well (Zillman, D Bryant, J., 1989). In the 1990s, print pornography further grew in circulation, became more accessible to both men and women and the taste of people for what is obscene and what is not obscene became less strict and more tolerant. Up until the year 2000, print pornography has already reached the height of popularity of print pornography that sellers and distributors of these books and magazines already became rich by merely selling and circulating these sexual materials. Despite the high awareness of people on the adverse effects of pornography on the society, these distributors and sellers still ignore them as the financial returns to their business are so great that majority of these pornography distributors are already included in the worlds wealthiest and highly-recognized businesses (New York Times, 2000). 2. Novels Pornography Stories and confessions about sexual adventures and the narration of very explicit sexual details also became rampant in novels and magazines since the 1950s. These fictional sex stories, sometimes even accompanied by photographs depicting sexual activities have also caught the eye and interest of the people that pornography became one of the driving factors why novels and magazines have been selling like hotcakes ever since. In a study conducted by five different publishers on rate of sexual content and promiscuity among novels, a big percentage of the stories depicted sexual content with 60% portrayals on kissing and 63% portrayals on sexual act itself (Zillman, D Bryant, J., 1989). 3. Books Pornography In the 1970s, quite a big number of paperback books were discovered to contain sexually implicit content including obvious depictions of sexual activities as well as compilations of literatures containing sexual images. While these may be purchased secretly or under the counter, a great number of these reading materials are still accessible to any person whether young or old. Oftentimes, these sexual literatures even disguise itself in the form of a book but the content is definitely purely sexual. There were also various studies conducted in the past that books and writers were slowly increasing sexual content in their literary works in order to catch the interest of people (Zillman, D Bryant, J., 1989). 4. Magazine Pornography Magazine pornography may undeniably be the most popular form of pornography prior to the Internet age. The legality of selling sexual magazines has long been a subject of debate by several concerned institutions as magazines are very accessible to all age groups. In fact the biggest distributors of sexual depictions on magazines are also the richest corporations of today due to the wide circulation and readership rates of pornographic magazines. Magazines such as the Playboy has also become a household name already since many people, especially men, have experienced buying this magazine at least once in their life. It is not surprising therefore to know that men are the most avid users and buyers of these magazines which show nude women models. In a study conducted in the past, 35% of the magazine contents were contents related to women (Zillman, D Bryant, J., 1989). 5. Internet Pornography According to Singel, R. (2004), the wide accessibility of the internet at home is what led to the popularity of internet pornography. The term internet pornography was according to various researchers, undeniably the worst form of addiction which is now rampant among adolescents. Researchers in a recent Senate Hearing revealed that the pornography in the Internet is now the newest form of drugs to the young people leading to other worse forms of addiction such as fornication, misogyny, boob jobs and various forms of sexual abuses. According to Mary Layden of the University of Pennsylvania, internet porn is possibly the worst form of addiction that distorts both the psychological and sexual health of people, especially the young ones. She referred to internet porn as a drug and the internet as a drug delivery system which remains undetected since people are not known when they engage in it. Also, internet pornography is free and is very much available 24/7 that even young children can access it (Singel, R., 2004). All these types of pornographic materials are needless to say, the best examples of pornography and are easily detected based on their form and content. Any explicit depictions of sexual activities and sexual objects as well as nudity and sexual violence are considered pornographic whatever the media vehicle or tool is used. Forms of Pornography Access According to Ybarra, M. Mitchell, K. (2005), the Internet remains to be the most popular and easiest form of accessing pornography. The fact that Internet is readily available and free increased its prominence and use among the young people especially in accessing various websites on pornography. A growing number of children reportedly have accessed pornography either accidentally or willfully as some of their friends did and the negative repercussions of this among children and adolescents are uncontrollable and definitely controversial. Vast number of studies related to pornography has already been conducted over the past years. Apparently, the results reflected that the Internet is the most popular form of accessing porn among adolescents. In the United States alone, 90% of adolescents aged 12 to 18 have Internet access at home and a vast majority of them have either visited a pornographic website accidentally or intentionally at least once in their adolescent life. Studies revealed as well that since the pornographic websites are free and the readers/viewers remain undetected or anonymous, adolescents became fond of accessing these websites (Ybarra, M. Mitchell, K., 2005). What was quite alarming though was the growing number of adolescents accessing porn websites in the Internet purposefully. 15% of these adolescents have even resorted to lying about their age in order to gain access to these websites. On the other hand, it was also interesting to know that about the same percentage as the adolescent porn viewers are also adult male viewers of pornography. Moreover, the studies revealed that the reasons why accessing pornography over the Internet was the most popular, were anonymity, unlimited access and the less strict requirements of getting in to a website. Nevertheless, aside from the Internet, other forms of pornography access are also popular among the adolescents. Some of these are via watching pornographic movies or videos and reading x-rated books and magazines (Ybarra, M. Mitchell, K., 2005). D. Why Adolescents View Pornography According to Batty (2004), recent researchers showed that majority of the adolescents of today have already come into contact with pornography in the Internet. Surprisingly, 57% of the youth today aged 12 to 18 years old have already seen or accessed pornographic sites online either accidentally or purposefully. Most parents are not aware of this shocking reality that even young children at the age of 10 have also reportedly sought pornography over the Internet because of several reasons and one of which is curiosity. Apparently, sexual issues and encounters relating to sexuality are still not being comfortably opened up within the family. Sex is still a taboo topic for many families that their children seek guidance and direction from their friends rather than their parents when it comes to this matter. This leads these children to wrong notions of sex and the wrong use of their sexuality because of the lack of proper guidance and knowledge. Studies also revealed that 1/3 of the adolescents today have had nasty sexual comments from other people which led them to become curious about sexual matters (Batty, 2004). Furthermore, the lack of proper guidance and education about sexuality issues from the adolescents parents and the lack of time spent at home by the parents is most likely the root cause of all these pornography-seeking acts committed by adolescents as the studies revealed (Batty, 2004). E. The Adverse Effects of Pornography to an Adolescent According to Fagan (2010), pornography poisons the mind by presenting a false and distorted view of the reality specifically about love, life and relationships, and even women. People become self-seeking and abusive as they desire more to quench their burning sexual desires in the most unnatural ways. Aside from this direct effect, there is still quite a long list of adverse effects that pornography causes on the life of an adolescent and some of these are the following: Distorted notion or perception on sex- pornography paints a distorted image of sex as harsh yet fun forms of recreational activities presenting women as mere sexual objects. It also perpetuates the notion that any kind of sexual activity is permissible and that sex has no negative consequences on the part of the people involved in the activity. Negative notion that women are mere sex object- exposures to pornography can very much lead the adolescents to thinking that women are not meant to be respected and that they are meant to be used for sexual purposes only. Moreover, sexual violence which are usually contained in pornographic films, suggest that women enjoy and want to be raped and that the act of rape is also permissible Sexual addiction- pornography increases the likelihood of the adolescents committing pre-marital sex and any other kind of sexual activity which can lead to teen pregnancy and the spread of sexual diseases Abuse and other forms of aggression- pornography paints a distorted picture of sexual enjoyment in the form of abuse whether that is sadism or masochism. This leads adolescents to think that sexually abusing someone is permissible and fun when in fact it is a form of sexual disorder Produces many sex offenders- pornography poisons the mind and creates an abnormal sexual disorder or desire in a persons mind leading that person to sexually abuse other people such as women and children Imitation of sexual behaviors- pornography leads adolescents to imitate what the sexual characters in the porn are doing whether that is good or bad. It increases the desire of adolescents to have sex even at the improper time Sexual trauma- while many pornography viewers find porn to be sexually stimulating, some adolescents find the sexual act depictions disturbing and fearful leading them to get traumatized and paranoid about sex which is also unhealthy Acceptance of Promiscuity- pornographic viewers also become desensitized when it comes to sexual issues and promiscuity. Slowly, they become more open and tolerant to sexual behaviors even on public Destroyed relationships with the opposite sex due to wrong perceptions on sex- pornography paints a picture that sexual desires and gratification are more exciting than having relationships. Hence, the adolescents might be led to thinking that forming relationships are merely means to an end of gaining selfish sexual satisfaction (Standing Together to Oppose Pornography, 2005). F. What it means to have a Healthy Sexual Attitude among the Adolescents Proper communication and guidance about the sexuality and other sexual issues are the sole responsibility of parents to their adolescent child. Naturally, the topic on sex and sexuality is quite embarrassing to be opened by a son or daughter to their parents. Nonetheless, without the proper channeling of these important information, a child would be led astray to seeking out the advice of his or friends who know nothing about sexuality as well (Avert, 2010). Having a sexual attitude simply means having a positive and mature view of sex and the reason why it was created as well as its main role or function. Certainly, sex is meant for procreation purposes as well as maintenance of the bond or intimacy between a husband and a wife. The healthy view of sex states that outside the commitment walls of marriage, sex would definitely lead to negative repercussions (Avert, 2010). As experienced by many adolescents or teenagers nowadays, sex outside of marriage has led them to become abusive, selfish and discontented. Some of them fell into the trap of teenage pregnancy and sexual addiction which destroyed their lives and their future. It is therefore important for these adolescents to be properly oriented about sex and sexuality at the right time by the right people, who are their parents. The parents are responsible for educating their children on what sex and sexuality is for, how to properly use them. The parents are also responsible to educate their children on the right time to use their sexuality, that is, within the bounds of marriage (Avert, 2010). It is also important that the parents are aware of their role on educating their children. Most of the time, parents do not stay long anymore at home and spend less and lesser time with their children leading these children to seek companionship and advice from other people who also are not capable of properly orienting them of this sensitive issue. Parents should also know that having a healthy sexual attitude among their children would save them from a lot of trouble and wrong decisions which could ultimately destroy their lives. In the same way, the adolescents must seek their parents advice on their sexuality because it is only their parents who can give them the best advice on this matter (Avert, 2010). How The Adverse Effects of Pornography Affect the Adolescents Healthy Sexual Attitude Development Pornography undeniably poisons the young minds of the adolescents leading them to think that sex is fun and exciting with no resulting responsibilities and consequences. According to S.T.O.P or the Standing Together to Oppose Pornography (2005), pornography destroys not only the healthy sexual attitude development of adolescents but also, and more importantly, their lives as a whole. This is because when an adolescent already becomes hooked and addicted to false sex imageries, it pollutes their mind leading them to make the wrong decisions which could range from anything related to sexually abusing a child or the opposite sex, i.e., committing rape and other abusive sexual acts just to satisfy their sexual desires. It could also lead the adolescents to degrade women and objectify them leading them to consider women as mere sexual objects intended for sexual pleasure. Because of this, these adolescents may just jump into relationships only to sexually gratify themselves and afterwards hurt women or worse, sexually offend women either in private or in public. Since pornography also paints a picture that sex is fun and good, adolescents are most likely to abuse it causing them to do other vices like drinking alcohol and taking drugs just to engage in all types of sexual activities like orgies and debauchery limitlessly (Fagan, 2010). Moreover, pornography teaches adolescents to be sexually violent to women in bed. It teaches them to become sadistic and masochistic which increases the likelihood of sexual abuses and other forms of sexual aggression inside and outside of bed. By filling their minds with all kinds of distorted sexual images, the adolescents are leading themselves to enslavement to their sexual desires and make them lose control of themselves, making themselves no longer capable of distinguishing what is wrong and what is right. Pornography leads them to destroy themselves and their future since every wrong decision that they commit may actually cause their future to crumble down once. Clearly, there is an immediate need to address this long-standing issue and prevent it from destroying the lives of these adolescents (Fagan, 2010).

Quetzalcoatl: Man Or Myth? :: essays research papers

The Legend of Quetzalcoatl: Man or Myth? From the beginning of the Toltec reign in Central Mexico, the deity Quetzalcoatl has been a central figure in the religion and culture of Mexico. This is undisputed. What can be disputed, however, is Quetzalcoatl’s legitimacy as an historical figure. The deity Quetzalcoatl, or the â€Å"plumed serpent† is inseparable from the man Ce Acatl Topitlzin Quetzalcoatl, known to be a famous leader in pre-historical Mexican myth. The dissection becomes more difficult still as the Spanish friars introduced Christianity and in an attempt to assimilate the Indians, created a parallel between Indian deity Quetzalcoatl and the Catholic figure St. Thomas. In doing so, the priests hoped to incorporate Indian culture and religion into Christianity. In the process, however, they changed and damaged the pre-Christian notions of the god. What information we have now of Quetzalcoatl must be recognized as flawed over the centuries, and we must take this into account when trying to examine th e historical origins of one of the three figures. However, with cautious examination, we can separate these three figures and determine each one’s traits independent of the others’. To understand the mythical figure Quetzalcoatl, the first of the trinity to emerge, one must look further in to the religious belief of the pre-Columbian peoples. In the Classical period, Quetzalcoatl represented a sort of binary opposition between earth and heaven, visible in his name, quetzalli, or â€Å"precious green feather†, and coatl, the â€Å"serpent.† â€Å"Precious green feather,† according to Enrique Florescano, referred to a bird, which in the Classical period symbolized the heavens. Coatl, the serpent, symbolized earth, and so the mythical creature Quetzalcoatl was a link between the two, present before the Toltec civilization began, and gave birth to the image of twins, one of life, fertility and order (the bird) and the other representing the fatality of death (the serpent) . Yet the link between the immortal and the mortal was further construed by the Classical Period Indians than even the symbolism of the bird and serpent. The binary oppositions within day and night, also the Morning Star and the Evening Star became entangled within the earliest surviving myths of Quetzalcoatl. There is a fine line between the religious and the mythological in Pre-Columbian Mexico. While Quetzalcoatl began as a symbolic interpretation to link life and death, or the gods and humans, his purpose soon extended to an intercessor between the two, symbolic in the ball court game which he is attributed with founding .

Friday, July 19, 2019

Colonial South Carolina Report Essay -- American America History

Colonial South Carolina Report George the Second, by the grace of God, of Great Britain, King, Defender of the Faith, I write to thee from the heart of South Carolina, Charleston to impart my knowledge of the region. My travels have been long and arduous. I arrived by way of a freight ship bearing finished goods for the colony on the twenty-eighth day of March, in the twenty-third year of thy reign. All that province, territory, or tract of ground, called South Carolina, lying and being within our dominions of America is well. The environmental conditions of South Carolina differ dramatically to that of England. The days are long, hot, humid, and at times damp. The people of the colony deserve admiration for dealing with such unfavorable weather. Occasionally, storms stemming from the Atlantic Ocean wreak havoc on the villages, upturning the soil and damaging the trees, but the majority of the days are bright with sunshine. During the spring and summer there is a combination of rain and scorching heat, whereas during the fall and winter it sometimes snows in the northern section of South Carolina, but throughout the rest of the region the climate remains moderately cool. The land is undulating and layered with an abundance of forestry. Yet, the terrain does not consist entirely of woodlands and smooth hills. The land is far from perfect. A large portion of the territory is made up of marshlands. The ground is somewhat blemished by the scattered swamplands. These quagmires are abode with vicious alligators and infested with countless mosquitoes. These bloodsucking mosquitoes in turn spread malaria amongst the populace. Despite the threat of malaria and fierce alligators, the economy thrives from the environment. South C... loyalty to the Crown now, in future conflicts, the colonists may turn against us and become our enemy. Radical action must be taken in order to regulate their behavior. They must recognize the royal authority. The beneficial aspects of South Carolina outweigh the detrimental aspects. South Carolina is a powerful asset. The economy is strong and provides a priceless resource of indigo and rice. Our woolen industry would not be able to cope without the dye from the indigo. The colony produces an abundance of rice. The colony is also strategically located, to stop the Spanish from expanding north. Although there is a political predicament, it is not beyond thy Majesty to resolve it. By and large, the colony is a worthy investment and should receive immediate financial backing accompanied by British officials to reinforce the policies and taxes of thy Divine Grace.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Racial Divide In America Health And Social Care Essay

The United States wellness attention system is considered missing when compared to other developed states. The issues refering the quality of wellness attention raises polarized argument across the state, yet everyone agrees that on the whole, the U.S. wellness attention system is one of the better attention systems in the universe. Despite immense investing and changeless reforms, there is an overpowering organic structure of literature back uping racial disparity in the wellness attention system, particularly amongst African-Americans. This paper explores the causes for the disparity in wellness attention that prevail against African-Americans. The surveies on wellness attention disparity portion common decision that African-Americans suffer from terrible wellness attention disadvantages. Research has besides shown that African Americans have higher mortality and morbidity rates1. They experience hapless wellness runing from infant mortality and diabetes to cardiac disease, HIV/AIDS, and other unwellnesss. 2 There are many factors lending to difference in the wellness attention quality among the races. One of the most perennial and common documented factor is the socio-economic factor. It is good documented and recognized that disparity in socio-economic across racial and cultural groups correlatives to disparity in the wellness attention. 3 SES affects handiness to quality wellness attention and better populating criterion which leads to healthy diet. It besides affects instruction quality that has deduction for future development. A recent analysis of 1991 to 2000 mortality informations concluded that, had mortality rates of African Americans been tantamount to that of Whites, over 880,000 deceases could hold been prevented.4 These 800,000 African americans died because of hapless wellness quality and carelessness on the supplier ‘s side. In add-on, African American babies are two to three times more likely than white babies to hold low birth weight-a cardinal index of baby mortality.5 Even after commanding economic factors, surveies show that African-Americans receive poorer quality intervention than their white opposite numbers with same insurance. So why are African Americans having hapless quality wellness attention? The reply to this inquiry encompasses an intricate organic structure of history of racism, wellness attention construction & A ; policy and environmental factors that has put minorities ‘ wellness at a disadvantage. In the yesteryear, a turning figure of research relied on socio- economic position factor to explicate the racial disparity. In recent old ages, racial prejudices are good recognized and documented to explicate the difference in wellness quality. In fact, in the most recent study by Institute of Medicine ( IOM ) , they found strong grounds that racial prejudice, favoritism, pigeonholing, and clinical uncertainness besides play a function. 6 In the book Health Care disparity in the United States by Donald Barr, he concludes that â€Å" unconscious prejudice † is the chief cause of disparity in the wellness care7. Dr Barr exerts that most doctors carry unconscious prejudice when they treat patients of differing cultural or racial background. Experimental surveies besides confirm that doctors can keep negative beliefs about their minority patients. The negative stereotypes in bend affect the type of intervention or prescription offered to them. Thus the difference in intervention and lack in wellness among African Americans is largely due to their doctor ‘s bias.8 These prejudices stem from race as a societal building that existed from long ago and continues to make so. The difference in wellness attention intervention based on race roots from U.S. history of racism based on negative stereotyping that plagued the state for decennaries. The unconscious racial prejudice held by doctors entirely can non account for the disparity. The construction of wellness attention system, and policies in which the attention is provided, besides contribute to the inequality of wellness attention. For illustration, quality of wellness attention resources depends on the vicinity in which wellness centre is located. Many Afro-american vicinities are extremely segregated from white communities. In such countries, doctors have greater troubles accessing high-quality specializers, diagnostic imagination, and non-emergency admittance of their patients to the infirmary, than doctors who serve preponderantly non-minority patients.9 The other consequence of race is its deduction on the individual. Person ‘s racial individuality can do them to be prone to certain diseases like bosom diseases, higher blood force per unit area due to emphasize, and favoritism subjected to them. There is a figure of research that really supports this. In fact Dr. Arline Geronimus of University of Michigan proposed the â€Å" weathering † hypothesis, which states that Afro-american experience early wellness impairment as a effect of the cumulative impact of perennial experience with societal or economic hardship and political marginalization.10 From 1990, the racial disparity drew serious attending from outside organic structures like United Nations and World Health attention organization.11 Ever since so these outside organic structures have been pressing U.S. authorities to take actions. There has been lot done to document the disparities and implicate policies to diminish the spread. In certain countries, wellness attention for African Americans seem to better, yet from a bigger position the quality of wellness attention seems to increase small or no alteration at all. For case, among African Americans, decease rates from bosom disease were 10 % lower than in White persons in 1980, but 30 % higher in 200012. Cancer is the second-leading cause of decease in the United States and African-Americans have moved from holding a decease rate from malignant neoplastic disease below that for Whites in1950 to a rate 30 % higher than for Whites in 200013. Such statistics calls for serious argument, it is sad to see widening racial disparity of wellness attention in a state that has the highest Gross Domestic Product ( GDP ) . Studies point to new ways to incorporate racial determiners as cardinal factors to better the wellness attention for minorities. Dr. Barr in his decision calls for an addition in minorities in the wellness attention professionals. The racial disparity in wellness attention is a consequence of interaction of race with socio-economic factor, wellness attention construction, environmental conditions and biass. Merely as racial biass still pertain in today ‘s universe, the institutional racism in wellness attention besides pertains. The racial disparity in the United States is a serious issue that requires betterment and governmental attending. There has been lot done to bridge the spread, yet really small has improved. This issue requires calls for different professionals to work together. End Notes Kaplan, H Roy. The Myth of Post-Racial America. Old line state: Rowman & A ; Littlefield Education, 2011. Kahng, Sang Kyoung. â€Å" Can Racial Disparity in Health between Black and White Americans Be Attributed to Racial Disparities in Body Weight and Socio economic Status? † Health & A ; SocialWork, November 2010, 257-66. Kahng, Sang Kyoung 2 S.H. Woolf et al. , â€Å" The wellness impact of deciding racial disparities: An analysis of US mortality informations † , Public Health 2078, 2078-81 ( 2004 ) . Board on Health Science Policy: Unequal intervention: Confronting Racial and cultural disparities in Health Care, Consensus Report, March 20, 2003. Board on Health Science Policy 4 Barr, Donald, A. Health Disparities in the United States: Social Class, Race, Ethnicity, and Health. Old line state: The Johns Hopkins University Press.2008. Barr, Donald, A. 7 Dolores Acevedo-Garcia et al. , â€Å" Unequal Health Outcomes in the United States † , A Report to the U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, January 2008. Arline T. Geronimus, ScD, Margaret Hicken, MPH, Danya Keene, MAT, and John Bound, PhD, â€Å" â€Å" Weathering † and Age Patterns of Allostatic Load Scores Among Blacks and Whites in the United States † , American Journal of Public Health, May 2006, Vol 96, No. 5 Kim, E Annice, Kumanyika Shiriki, Igweatu Daniel, and Kim, Son-Ho. â€Å" Coverage and Framing of Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities in US Newspapers, 1996-2005. † American Journal of Public Health, Supplement 2010, 224-31 Airhihenbuwa, O. Collins, & A ; Liburd, Leandris. â€Å" Eliminating Health Disparities in the African American Population: The Interface of Culture, Gender, and Power † Health Education & A ; Behavior, August 2006, 488-501 Airhihenbuwa, O. Collins, & A ; Liburd, Leandris 12

Pepsi Marketing Essay

Supermodel, entrepreneur, actress, Cindy Crawford has been promoting the zed stake since 1995. Her striking beauty and international draw atomic number 18 the perfect complement to OMEGAs visualise. Cindy even helped to design a collection dedicated to her the Constellation My direction.PEPSI at presents PepsiCo, Inc. was found in 1965 with the merger of Pepsi Co and Frito-Lay, the innovations largest manu pointurer and distributor of snack chips. In 1998, it acquired Tropi pota, the worlds largest securities industryer and manufacturing business of crisscrossed juices. In addition to the primary(prenominal) body of 3 companies, the Pepsi- the skinny Incorporation as well as bears four well-known agile intellectual nourishment restaurants in the world they argon pizza pie Hut, Taco Bell, KFC, and Burger King. Further much than, with its 4 fast diet restaurants, PepsiCo Inc. owns 24,000 restaurants, more than McDonalds 14,000. Based on PepsiCo Incs annual report i n course of instruction 2000, PepsiCo Inc. has total net gross exchanges events of 20.438 meg US dollars and they are worth 44 billion dollars in stock prize right now.There are several(prenominal) reasons why the worlds uphold largest soft- drunkenness confederacy, the PepsiCo Inc., is genuinely successful in the world and almost exceed the current merchandise leader in soft draw industry, Coca- sess.These reasons are taste, investment, management policy, and marketing strategy.In this report, we leave behind put our primary(prenominal) repress on marketing strategies and more details comp differenceium, such(prenominal) as 4Ps ( convergence, price, place, promotion), SWOT summary (strength, weakness, opportunity, stake), marketing Environment ( economic, technological, cultural, social, and foe), advertising, and buns market, and so forthteraFirst element of 4Ps is growth. With more and more customers unique needs, besides its fixing Pepsi, it adds regular caffeine-free Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Diet Caffeine-free Pepsi, Wild violent Pepsi, and Diet Wild Cherry Pepsi into its intersection lines. Its Diet Pepsi is even the first of its frame in smoke market.For the price, based on the laws of demand and supply, price plays a precise central role in customers sign purchase. In addition, psychologically speaking, customers dedicate such mentality to judge a products bore by its price. Therefore, Pepsi has to lay out its price very carefully. If the products are incorrectly priced, either damage to its reputation on quality or lost of sale due to high price will be resulted. However, Pepsi seems to do fine at the moment. Based on their corporate set policy, providing quality products at lowest viable price has ever been matchless of their main concerns.For example, in some parts of the country, a 2-liter nursing bottle of Pepsi costs 99 cents a decade ago and gloss over does today.As for the place, it has to croak the right tar get market and has to be operable when customers need.Pepsi has forefathere a great work on the place, beca hire their channel of distribution certainly digest their products at any market in the American very successfully.Last and the most important element of 4 Ps is promotion. It is so important because how they promote their products will equal how successful their message will be delivered to their target audiences. In 1963, they pass urined a bran- mod product policy that is called The Pepsi of revolutionary successions. They center on customers needs and wants. Also, they try to realise commonwealth memorize their product. Lots of soft drink customers do non give alleged(prenominal) royalty toward certain brand. Such fall out was well noted by PepsiCo Inc.and decides to switch customers barter foring habit. During that time, The Pepsi of modernistic generation is a very successful campaign until 1988. aft(prenominal) that, they have changed the marketing scheme to The Choice of a New Generation and becalm using the same process today. remediate now, Pepsi has a special campaign called The Pepsi take exception that gets a lot of attention from the great unwashed and dourers a inviolable opportunity for Pepsi to make headway more profit. In 1974, this promotion to a fault works very well in Kansas. Advertisement is another promotion they normally focus on the teenager.From Electric young person to Generation next, Pepsi has had its finger on the spring chicken pulse of every decade. In their advertisings and target markets, they perpetually use idols to catch teenagers attention. For example, in 1984 to 1999, they use Michael Jackson and Ray Charles etc. to be Pepsis spokespersons. In 2001, they have signed a 100- wholeness thousand thousand-dollars set about with Britney Spears to be Pepsis next spokesperson.The SWOT analysis is another important concept in the marketing. The strength of the Pepsi is his strong, well-recogn ized brands. Pepsi- pot owns many of the worlds best-loved play outrs brands, especially in matrimony America. gibe to annual report, the percentage of the total sales volume is 45% in North Americas market.For many yrs, Coca-Cola electrostatic has a great position in the American. As a result, if Pepsi-Cola wants to replace the trope one position that is a very hard task, and too a speculative weakness for Pepsi-Cola.Even though PepsiCo has disc pretermit total sales than Coca Cola (20.4 billion vs. 16.2 billion), however, the market value of the solely company is just virtually half(prenominal) of Coca Cola (44 billion vs. 93 billion). The main reason is that PepsiCo has its foot into fast food market. Furthermore, the profit margin they make is not even one trine of current market leader in fast food industry-McDonald (4% vs. 15%).Pepsi-Cola has launched a campaign called The Pepsi Challenge that gives Pepsi-Cola a darling opportunity, because they might get more c ustomers to take on the products and gain the sales revenue for Pepsi-Cola.Because thither are a lot of competitors in the soft-drink industry, these competitors often introduce new tastes from time to time and customers have the tendency of nerve-racking new tastes while PepsiCo Inc has limited product lines in soft drink contempt the fact that they have already have juices, root bear, ice teas, etc. gratuitous to say, this is a very big threaten to the Pepsi-Cola.The economic environment can shine Pepsi-Cola very pregnantly. If we have bad economic situation, commonwealth will maintain their own packet more carefully and, in turn, the sales revenue is the first social occasion to suffer. Although such impact might not be very severe to PepsiCo because Cola can be seen as a daily necessity in American, yet, they still have to keep close look into.The 270 million deal in America consume about 28 million cases of Pepsi Cola annually. In American culture, and its social env ironment, Pepsi-Cola doesnt need to have a significant change since Pepsi-Cola is a very tralatitious favor. As a result, Pepsi-Cola Company should focus on two main things- get peoples attention and create the Need.Our technology environment is emergence very fast and so does Pepsi-Cola in its technology to operate their products. Pepsi Company always builds their products at highest quality and catches up with the new technology. Pepsi can always be peoples favorite because Pepsi Company always adapts whatever new technology is available in the market today.In competitor environment, we know that Pepsi-Cola Company face threesome main competitors Coca-Cola, Quaker Oats, and Cadbury Schweppes. As state by the President of Pepsi in the Cola War, thither is never a master. It is not important whether you win or lose the more important is that to have pleasure in the Cola War.Although my knowledge might not be sufficient, there are still many antithetic types of education cus tomers could research by themselves. Consumers can also compare in skeletal systemation about different or competingcompanies more well because information is literally at their fingertips. Consumers dont have to deal right off with or influenced by sales people to make their decision of purchases. Companies can also stay in touch with their customers and suppliers by creating web pages and setting up lucre addresses to receive e-mail from customers worldwide.Basic Marketing A Global-Managerial Approach, 13th edition Irwin McGraw-Hill, 1999 Gornstein, Leslie. on-line Marketers Targeting Kids. San Diego Union-Tribune, July 2, 1996, Page 4.Pepsi Co. Incorporation Annual subject 1997-1999 Pakistan has a multimillion dollar official contract with Pepsico which en appellations the company to put a Pepsi logo on all shammers kits. Each player gets near Rs 1.8 million every year from this deal. In addition, Pepsi is almost always the title sponsor of series held in Pakistan. tho it seems that there is nothing in the Pepsi contract that forbids players from promoting another soft drink off the field. All rights are for on-field promotion, which the players have not violated.PEPSI PROMOTES CRICKET..http// http// http// expend/1396149.html http//,2163,55869,00.html http// Back to Top Providing our consumers with easy-to-use, agreeable and innovative containers is one of our top priorities. big bucks introductions weve made over the days intromit the industrys first two-liter bottle the first company to respond to consumer mouthful with lightweight, recyclable, plastic bottles The Cube, an easy-to-store 24-pack Big Slam, the wide-mouth one-liter bottle as well as our three-liter bottle, designed to provide consumers with extra value (not all products and promotion is available in all markets).Our local ana esthetic bottlers, many of which are privately owned, prerogative operations,make all encase decisions. close of our bottlers are following the industry-wide trend to use plastic packaging due to environmental considerations. The industry is now making greater use of fully recyclable atomic number 13 cans and PET plastic bottles.More information on Pepsi-Colas environmental commitment, including its packaging initiatives, can be found here.The closure is Pepsis new innovative 24-can multipack. It was dubbed the cube by consumer focus groups, which are a small test market race thats invited by Pepsi-Cola to give the company feedback before the introduction of a new package or product. The consumer focus groups Pepsi utilise for this product coined the name the CUBE and it stuck polythene terephthalate, or PET plastic, is a form of polyester used to make strong, lightweight, shatter-resistant bottles for soft drinks, water, juice and other non-food products. Bottles made from PET plastic, which are marked with the number one regulation on the or near the bottle of the bottle, are recyclable into products including new containers, fiberfill for dormancy bags and coats, fabric, carpet, auto parts, film and more.2.htm omega The knowledge base of zee is defined by high-profile watches on display in the most select show-windows in more than 130 countries around the globe.Fine timepieces worn by great(p) ambassadors like Cindy Crawford, penetrate Brosnan, Michael Schumacher and Martina Hingis Leaders in their fields who express the spirit of the brand through their faces, their words and their actions, reflecting all the elegance, ordinariness and achievement behind every ezed watch.Constellation A star on the wrist of the stars. The Constellation is consistent with my image, says ezed spokesperson Cindy Crawford. My Constellation has three qualities I admire precision, elegance, reliability. And for someone who travels as often as I do, its an essentia l and beautiful fashion associate.In space, with the Speedmaster Professional, the only watch worn on the Moon and winner of NASAs Snoopy Award for parcel to save the Apollo 13 mission astronauts zee Cindy Crawford Model1465.71 Gender/Sizemini List price$2,595.00 Stainless stigma case(22.5mm) and bracelet, Mother-of-pearl dial with silver benefit markers, diamond bezel with 30 diamonds totalling .42 karats in diamonds (G-H color, VVS clarity), diamonds in bezel set in 18kt white gold, Swiss quartz glass movement, water resistant to 30m.Comes in beautiful gift package.SHOW hoopla Coupons not valid on this model. consequence At the start of this review, I mentioned the fact that I have recently started to cheek more at the value for gold end of the market, or if you will, lower priced end of the market. Having worn the Zeno for a few months I have to say that I rum that there are some agreeable surprises for those who dont want to deteriorate a fortune on a watch but want s omething that is different, rugged, water resistant, reliable but mechanical. The Zeno confirms my theory that a good watch neednt be expensive. It has been accurate, reliable, I have worn it over and many people have asked me if it was new old stock from the 1960s So, yes, I do recommend the Zeno but are there any downsides.? not very given the price tag of this watch. It is ad hominem preference as to whether one likes the looks or not. Personally it is different but unpolluted to my eyes I like the design. Not forgetting that Zeno make a large play of watches of the rugged variety, both mechanical and quartz and they would all appear to offer good value for money.I might buy more Thanks for reading this I hope you enjoyed it and please bear in mind that all the contents are just my opinion based on my experiences. My watch was obtained from a very amiable and helpful UK Zeno dealer whos situation is worth visiting to see more examples of the range, web address below ezed Watches Omegas commitment to quality watch making spans cl years and dates back to its beginnings in Switzerland as one of the first watch companies established there. Omega watches are fit for royalty and receive the highest quality components, precious metals, and technology within every watch that they manufacture. With celebrityendorsements from Pierce Brosnan, Cindy Crawford, and Ernie Els, Omega has established itself as one of the most popular luxury watch brands around the world.The original symbol of graven image and quality, the Greek letter Omega, represents all that the Omega watch company strives to be. For over 150 years, the team at Omega watches has created timepieces of primitive perfection and are proud to inscribe in some of the worlds most historic and precisely measure moments. After all, if NASA and Formula 1 curse on Omega watches to keep remains of their time, why shouldnt you?